We build durable schools and build competent teachers in order to build competent students who will build healthy communities.
Our Vision
The vision of Build Congo Schools is to develop caring competent students. Three teams help implement this vision: one in Kananga representing the Presbyterian Church of the Congo (CPC); one in Kinshasa representing the Presbyterian Church of Kinshasa (CPK) and one in the U.S. representing the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Our Objectives
- Replace deteriorated schools with durable buildings that have desks, black boards, tin roofs, concrete floors, rain collection systems and latrines. In new classrooms, teachers can teach without leaking roofs, and students can learn without having to carry stools to school to avoid wet dirt floors.
- Provide teacher training in current teaching methods and ways to secure up-to-date information.
- Provide current textbooks. Teachers have few books.
- Provide scholarships for girls and orphans who need them.
- Provide motorcycles for supervisors to reach remote schools. Without motorcycles, supervisors have to walk or ride bicycles up to 400 kms to visit some schools.
“Between 2013 and 2020, nine schools were funded by US partners and built by a local church contractor and local craftsmen. Villagers provided food, water and unloading/protection of building materials. In the nine transformed schools, 4,600 students now study in dry, sun-filled classrooms for the first time.
Click HERE to see a map showing the location of these new schools.
GOAL ONE: School Construction
- #9 – Dibatayi School – built in 2020 in Dibaya, 121 km southeast of Kananga
- #8 – Bambuyi School – built in 2018 in Mbamba, 280 km NW of Kananga
- #7 – Baolongo School – built in 2018 in Kananga
- #6 – Mbiya Mulumba School – built in 2017 in Mbuji Mayi
- #5 – Bupole School – built in 2016 at Nganza Presbytery in Kananga
- #4 – Lusamba School – built in July 2016 in Kalonga Mpoyi village, 42 km North of Kananga
- #3 – Lutshuadi School – built May 2015 in Ilebo, 400 km NW of Kananga
- #2 – Mpata Mualabala School – built in 2014 in Muena Ditu
- #1 – Zapo Zapo Primary and Secondary School – built in 2013 in Zapo Zapo
- Smaller projects have been funded at multiple sites to replace roofs, provide desks, etc.
GOAL TWO: Teacher Training
- Teacher training programs – held in Kinshasa, Kananga and Mbuji Mayi.
- Two proposals – written by Congolese leaders to expand regional training institutes need funds to complete.
GOAL THREE: Textbooks
- Textbooks given to teachers in 702 Kasai schools by three rotaries – two in Oregon and one in Kananga.
- One science textbook given to each grade level in all CPC elementary schools in East & West Kasai.
- Books have been provided by some donors in small amounts.
- Many more books are needed.
GOAL FOUR: Scholarships
- Scholarships for high school students are needed to insure that girls’ and orphans’ can complete school.
GOAL FIVE: Motorcycles
- More motorcycles are needed to help school supervisors reach remote schools more frequently.
Congolese Presbyterian leaders identify the next school to be built. Then:
- Congolese leaders choose the next deteriorated school to be built, talk to local villagers about their role in the project and send US partners the budget, construction schedule and school design for it.
- US partners raise and send funds to the Presbyterian Church of the Congo (CPC) or the Presbyterian Church of Kinshasa (CPK).
- The Congo team hires construction workers, transports material, oversees construction and keeps records.
- The construction team builds the school.
- Villagers carry water, cook for the workers, unload and guard materials and clear away debris.
- The contractor sends a report to the BCS team for each phase of construction for approval before next phase is funded.
- A dedication ceremony is held with government officials, church leaders, guests and villagers.
- Oversight of the new school is shared by government inspectors and local supervisors.
- The government now mandates that all primary schools are “free”, and is supposed to pay teachers’ salaries. Accreditation occurs more easily if a school is durable.
- The maintenance of the school is the responsibility of the principal & staff.
CPC’s Education Team plans with US partners
At Tshiabantu School in Mbuji Mayi there are gaping holes in the roofs and walls that allow the Congo’s nine-months of rain to pour into classrooms. Students’ work is destroyed, puddles form on the dirt floors and classes are dismissed when rains are heavy. The school urgently needs brick walls, tin roofs, concrete floors, desks, blackboards, latrines and a water system. Click HERE to help rebuild and equip Tshiabantu School.
See parent plea for help. Please share.
Help Build and Equip a School
For information about Build Congo Schools’ goals and work, email us here.