Students entering new Bambuyi School
Educated students transform their communities.
Build Durable Schools
The primary goal of Build Congo Schools is to convert fragile schools into durable, effective learning environments. In new buildings with desks, sunlight and ventilation, quality teaching can take place. Students can study after school instead of gathering grass to repair thatched roofs; also, leaking roofs no longer cause school dismissals.
Our most recent construction in 2022 was at Tshai Bantu Primary School in Mbuji Mayi. (See below.) It occurred because a mother, Muya Pulaji, expressed extreme concerned about student safety and rain ruining school work and reducing attendance. She requested a new building and Build Congo Schools’s US partners raised funds to rebuild it. Local people constructed the school, and construction materials were purchased locally — BCS supports local labor and businesses to strengthen the local economies.
Now 1,171 students enjoy their dry beautiful school; however, the new dilemma is how to teach so many students in each class effectively or build and train many new teachers. Many classes now have over 100 students with one teacher since the Government eliminated tuition in primary schools. Your financial support, advocacy, grant writing skills and volunteer work for Congo’s Schools are much needed!! To give or volunteer, go to “Donate” or email [email protected].
Local church leaders heard Muya’s plea. US partners raised funds and provided Tshia Bantu’s first latrines and water catchment system. Local labor was hired and materials were bought locally. Villagers provided security for materials and food for the construction crew — A true partnership!!
Build Teacher Competence
In the Congo, teacher pay is minimal and books are few. Classes are large and there are no substitute teachers or health insurance!! Congolese teachers need support.
Help promote quality teaching by funding teacher training and textbooks. Also, help fund motorcycles to transport supervisors and supplies to remote schools.
Teachers appreciated this seminar that Build Congo Schools provided. A comprehensive training program will be implemented when funded.
When Build Congo Schools was first established, most teachers had no books. Now they have some. Many more are needed.
Donated motorcycles take supervisors to remote schools to provide teacher consultation. More are needed.
Build Girls’ and Orphans’ Futures
Community leaders recognize that it is vital for girls and orphans to receive an education to access better opportunities. Many scholarships are needed for high school girls and orphans to insure the completion of their educations.
Research shows that educating girls is very effective in addressing poverty. An educated mother will usually have a larger income, healthier and smaller families. She will usually marry later and delay childbirth until her body is more developed. Also, she will make educating her children a priority.
Women and orphans who receive an education enrich their communities in a multitude of ways.
Orphans who receive scholarships can be empowered for life. They can more easily move from dependence to independence.
A girl who learned English and computer skills in Kananga’s after school program for high school girls is now paying her way through college by tutoring other students.
An education is a powerful investment that pays dividends for life, especially for Congolese girls and orphans.
Help Build and Equip a School
For information about Build Congo Schools’ goals and work, email us here.